I realize there are other posts of others trying to decode mavlink messages but all the examples I seen they are doing it different than I. Right now I have captured all traffic between my drone and controller and saved it to a PCAP file. Using tshark it looks like I can strip the entire data payload from the packet and retrieve the mavlink message which just looks like a basic byte array.
I already have generated my mavlink python bindings using the mavgenerate tool.
python -m mavgenerate
I have reviewed examples such as this: python example decode/encode
which creates a fifo object from a file but I don't understand how that file needs to be formatted. These examples lack good documentation or at least I have not found it.
So my question is I have my python bindings file generated, I have a couple examples to start off with and I have my mavlink data I just need a little help getting started and I am hoping people might have ideas, comments or better yet might have good documentation with relevant examples for me to use?
Thanks in advance,
Were you ever able to perform this reverse version of mav2pcap?