How to decode or read Mavlink Messages ??

I am using My PC or Arduino serial Monitor other than using GCS like Mission Planner or QGCS? Any alternate way to Read Data from APM 2.5 Board to My PC or Arduino Serial Monitor.?I compiled ArduMAvlink code and Ardustation2 from post By Mr.Shyam,I have followed exactly same and it compiled but i am unable to read any Data from APM 2.5 to Either Arduino Serial Monitor or In MP or QGCS ? What am i missing ? Is something Wrong ??

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  • Hi Chethan,

    Did you ever get this to work?


    • Hi Chethan
      I think, that Message #0 Hearthbeat is the right Message. But base_mode return value 0 and 68. Thats not a unique Mode.
    • yes i got it working by serial connection from PC to APM borad

      • Does APM board send out heartbeat message automatically after you connected to PC?

        • // Arduino MAVLink test code.

          #include <FastSerial.h>
          #include "/home/sm/Desktop/ardomavtest/arduino-1.0.4/AQ_MAVLink/mavlink/include/mavlink.h"        // Mavlink interface


          void setup() {

          void loop() { 
              // Define the system type (see mavlink_types.h for list of possible types) 
              int system_type = MAV_QUADROTOR;
              int autopilot_type = MAV_AUTOPILOT_GENERIC;
              // Initialize the required buffers 
              mavlink_message_t msg; 
              uint8_t buf[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN];
              // Pack the message
              // mavlink_message_heartbeat_pack(system id, component id, message container, system type, MAV_AUTOPILOT_GENERIC)
              mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(100, 200, &msg, system_type, autopilot_type);
              // Copy the message to send buffer 
              uint16_t len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf, &msg);
              // Send the message (.write sends as bytes) 
              Serial.write(buf, len);

              int xacc = 10;
              int yacc = 11;
              int zacc = 12;
              int xgyro = 100;
              int ygyro = 101;
              int zgyro = 102;
              int xmag = 200;
              int ymag = 201;
              int zmag = 202;
              mavlink_msg_raw_imu_pack(100,200, &msg, 0, xacc, yacc, zacc, xgyro, ygyro, zgyro, xmag, ymag, zmag);
              len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf, &msg);
              Serial.write(buf, len); 

          void comm_receive() { 
              mavlink_message_t msg; 
              mavlink_status_t status;
              //receive data over serial 
              while(Serial.available() > 0) { 
                  uint8_t c =;
                  //try to get a new message 
                  if(mavlink_parse_char(MAVLINK_COMM_0, c, &msg, &status)) { 
                      // Handle message
                       switch(msg.msgid) {
                              case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_MODE: {
                                  // set mode
                              case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ACTION:
                              // EXECUTE ACTION
                              //Do nothing
                  // And get the next one
          i used this code to read mavlink messages from APM to PC 

          • Could you help me?

            I would sniffing Arducopter Mavlink Protocol.

            Use also this code snippet.

            How i can get GPS data from Mavlink connection?


            • hi Bruno 

              I was working on sending visual based information on mavlink with respect to 

              GPS data it was in build in Arducopter code.Try using mavproxy which

               is much more user friendly in terms of data transmission. 

          • I am using similar code too, however this call never return TRUE

            if(mavlink_parse_char(MAVLINK_COMM_0, c, &msg, &status))

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