I inted to use the APM on long term flights and de 4-16MB onb the board don't seem to be enough unless y drastically reduce the smapling frequency on the APM.
The most important part to me is to get the APM to only log accelerometers, baro and GPS and ignore any other info saivng a lot of space. (perhaps modifying the AP_STATE.pde)
Another option is to modify this variable, but I'm not sure which values to use or why there are two columns.
This is what I mean, from Arducopter.pde line 775 -776 (fast, 2.5 mS per unit)
ten_hz_logging_loop, 40, 30 },
{ fifty_hz_logging_loop, 8, 22 },
Arducopter.pde line847-848 (slow, 10mS per unit)
{ ten_hz_logging_loop, 10, 300 },
{ fifty_hz_logging_loop, 2, 220 }
Any ideas are welcome.