Hello, I'm trying to implement an accurate geo-referencing system that allows me to geotag pictures with milisecond accuracy. 

The timestamps embedded in the mavlink messages are to a second resolution, however there is a mavlink_gps_raw_int_t message that provides the number of microseconds since system boot or Unix Epoch.  

Does anyone know how to (if possible) convert this to an absolute time, so I can get the time stamp to a milisecond accuracy? If this is simply the number of microseconds since system start, that probably won't help as I would also need to know the exact "global" time when the system starts in order to have the correct offset.

Any thoughts/suggestions? 

1/19/2016 11:50:48 AM FE 1E 77  1  1 18 mavlink_gps_raw_int_t time_usec 96162000 lat 391269833 lon -772278762

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