How to log barometric sensor data


is there a way to modify log.pde code to log not only gps/barometric alt value but also clear barometric data? I checked the code a little bit and there should be modified at least two functions:

Log_Write_GPS() and according to this also Log_Read_GPS() to display correct data in mission planer.

But i'm afraid the mission planner then won't display the data correctly if at all reads the log without exception ;o(. I guess there should be some descriptor (perhaps in xml file) which describes structure of log file.

I ask it because i would like to add also another data for logging - temperature sensor and next maybe humidity sensor.

Can somebody navigate me?

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  • Hi Palo,


    implementing a log message for pressure, temperature and later humidity, i.e. atmospheric values in general, should be straightforward. Just check other log messages and how the current sensor was integrated (


    I have no clue how the communication with the "mission planner", i.e. ground control, works, because I have no telemetry and hence no ground control at the moment. However, you might start with only writing the values into flash memory and reading them after the flight using a serial terminal. You could check then how to implement the ground control communication, i.e. go step by step. 






  • Developer
    Hi Palo,

    The data logging function has nothing to do with the mission planner. The mission is stored in EEPROM and the data log is stored in Flash memory.

    There is no problem with modifying some logging messages to log other data of interest to you.
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