
How to Maintain In Flight Speed?

Hi there, quick question.  I'm flying my hexa on the latest arducopter code and an APM 2.5.  The default PIDs work fine for most everything, it can even navigate waypoints with ease.  However, I have the auto mode speed set to 5 m/s, yet I see the copter go anywhere between 5-6.5 m/s on long straightaways.  What do I have to tune to maintain good control over my copter's speed?  5-5.5 m/s would be ideal for cruising speed, it is important so there are no gaps in my photo set.  Thanks!

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  • Developer
    Nav rate P and pitch comp are the two values to tune. Pitch comp may be too high or low. It's default at 54. Use the planner to adjust it and then you might be able to lower rate P.
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