how to make forum show latest replys?

Ok maybe a strange question but how do I get the forum to show me the latest replys. The laterst replys are now shattered through the threads for me. I would realy like to see the latest replys at the end of the thread instead of throughout the thread. Anyone know how to achieve this?

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  • Perfect example, Rz_Ten just put some useful info in a reply on page 18 of a 26 page thread.  The ONLY way I saw it was I happened to catch it on "Recent Activity" in the main diydrones page.

  • 100KM

    The replying is not really the problem.  The problem is that you miss out on a huge amount of info, because you never realised it was there.  If someone replies to the post on the last page, and there has been valuable info posted on page 20 of a 30 page thread since your last visit, how can you find that valuable info ? (other then going through a hundred emails)

    With the classical forum style that's easy : you just scroll back to the last post you ever read and scan through the posts from there.  Here you'd have to rescan the whole thread.

    I agree that this forum format is not the best for spreading info.

  • I would also like to know this.  One of my frustrations has been this very fact, that it's so difficult to follow conversations, especially when they get big, and people are responding to comments several pages back in a thread.


    The only solution I've found so far is to Subscribe to a thread, and you get emailed every single reply on that thread.  I don't find it's a great solution, but it works.


    I really would prefer if this forum was just like all the other forums on the web today.  I know that they have weaknesses in that all replies go inline, instead of being able to reply to a specific reply.  But it is much easier to see all the replies, and most people are used to quoting something if they are commenting on something way back in the thread.

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