Hi everyone, I am a student trying to create an autonomous drones.
In my case, I use the FC : APM2.8 , S/W : ardupilot 3.2.1 version, COMPILER: ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3-gcc-4.8.2-windows.
After I downloaded the 3.2.1 version in GITHUB, it succeeded to put up the FC.
And I want to add a New Flight Mode. like stabilize, RTL, etc...
In the first time I try to copy stabilize codes. so there are two stabilize modes.(not same name. HaHa..)
And I will modify codes.
So I consulted this webpage.(http://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/apmcopter-adding-a-new-flight-mode.html)
In the section 3( Add declarations in Copter.h for the new _init()
function and _run()
copter.h is not exist in version 3.2.1.
Could you tell me How can I solve this problem?(Where should I add section 3 sentence in 3.2.1 version)
bool newflightmode_init(bool ignore_checks);
void newflightmode_run();
or tell me another method adding New Flight Mode.
Thank you :)
ps. I am not an English-speakers. Please understand that the grammar is not correct :).