Hi all, very sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but I've spent several hours searching this site and the web in general and have not found a great answer.
I'd like to read the PWM servo signals coming out of my receiver (Spektrum Ar600) with an Arduino UNO board and mirror them back out to the servo (so I can eventually add some control in the future). Creating PWM signals with the Arduino appears straight forward, but reading them has not been so obvious.
I've found instructions on doing this with pulseIn but it appears from what I've read that that's a slow method and limited to only 2-3 channels. I've also seen a lot of discussion regarding using interupts to do this but haven't found any good explanation or code on how I can implement. Any links to help/example code would be greatly appreciated!
I am implementing reading PWM on arduino mega by interupt by the signal is not perfect, i am wondering if this "noise" some from software signal or hardware? (see attached image)
Do you have the same noise?
In the image nomovement i don't move the radio, in the image MinMaxMovement i move the radio to min and max.
Due to this error i have more error in my PID :-(