Hi all,

I am preparing my web site for drone/any device monitoring, route planning and tracking.

My question is: If anyone creates a SW or a public website (I'll share it with you) that uses google maps to plan a route for any drone (create and send waypoints for navigation), does we break the Google's Terms and Conditions (section 10.8 and 10.9)?

Very thankful for your comments.



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  • I'm not a lawyer, so dont quote me; but I think that means using it commercially (ie you sell it as a service)

    I think we fall under the personal user vs reseller items. DIY itself doesnt use google earth, no one pays DIY for our use of google earth, its up to you if you want to use it to get waypoint locations, or use any of the other free maps. we can track our equipment real time, but it doenst need google to do that... it could be simple scanned maps or thousands of other sources.

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