There is a way to test APM sensor shield via serial port connection: Typing "test" in APM mission planner's terminal window. After that, you can test many kinds of on-board sensor, such as, IMU, GPS,

Sonar, pressure sensor and so on.

Once I connect GCS and Arducopter via Xbee , I can't type any command in  APM mission planner's terminal window.  Can anybody tell me why? Very appreciate that.


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  • Developer

    The Xbee's connect to Serial3, which is the "telemetry port" and not the console. The console is on the other serial port. 

    On the APM2 where they are the same port, the code switches off the console function when the USB is unplugged, so it is telemetry only too.

    I believe you can do everything that is in the CLI menu, over MAVLINK telemetry using Mission Planner.

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