How to use quadcopter without TX

I have been trying to use my joysticks (first was a dualshock 3 PS3 controller, then a Saitek x52 flight system) to control my new quad, but I have not been able to calibrate my ESC's with them. I know it is possible because I have heard people mention it, but have also mentioned it is quite difficult. I am not expecting this to be easy for sure. I have been looking for somewhere to start, but to no avail. At one point I had my Dualshock 3 being recognized as the TX in the Flight Planner software, but it disappeared after a few minutes. I have not been able to get it to do that again. All but one of the motors even stopped beeping when I first moved the stick. (The odd motor out wasn't plugged in all of the way as I found out later). How would I do this? Please help!!

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