I don't know where to begin

In college our chapter of the ACM talked about doing a UAV but it never went anywhere, so I think I'll try it myself. lolI think I've come to the right place but after going through the site theres plenty of options, and well I don't know where to start. I've never done anything like this before, mainly electronics.So I'm going to say what I'd like to do and hope I'm not out of my mind. lolThanksProject Sky EyeCore ObjectiveBuild a system to make a model plane into a drone so that it fly’s itself to certain locations around a model flying field. A pilot must always be able to take control of the plane.With a brief look around sounds like there are boards that allow to take control from a plane without a extra servo etc.Extra ObjectivesThese are things that would be nice to be able to do with a custom written programVideo Camera ControlBe able to point a video camera at a given spot and keep it there while the plane passes by. Similarly be able to fly to a location and ‘take a picture’, perhaps with a separate still camera, like a real recon drone would.Bomb DropProgram a location to drop a bomb on. I’d like to have two modes Level bombing and Dive Bombing. It would probably difficult to predict where a bomb might land in level bombing and where the bomb should be released to hit the target. Dive bombing would most likely be more accurate since diving towards the target gives a much better chance the bomb will hit the target.Aerobatic maneuversI would like to program in some basic and advanced aerial maneuvers and then program it to execute them in sequence.Example Level flight, 180 degree Left turn, Basic Loop, level flight, 180 Left TurnBasically I'd like to be able have full control over the plane (meaning all four channels not just the rudder and elevator) and be able to do more than just fly around in a circle. I think I might be asking for something there. lol

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  • 3D Robotics
    Well, start at the beginning: make one simple plane fly autonomously. If you don't know electronics, do you at least know how to program? If not, the solution is just money--buying an off-the-shelf autopilot like AttoPilot. You'll have to tell us more about your skills and budget for us to advise you.
  • Lol
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