Hi all,
I'm pretty new to drones. I did participate in the FIRST Robotics competition (if anyone knows what that is), so I'm not entirely new to building autonomous robots.
Anyways, I've always wanted to build my own quad-copter. I recently got several AndyMark am-9015 motors, and I thought that these would be perfect for a quad-copter. Again though, I have very little experience with building flying objects, so I don't know if my idea is crazy or plausible. I was hoping that I could get a little guidance from this point. I don't really know what material I would build the chassis out of, or what kind of battery I would use, or how I would connect a controller to the quad-copter. At this point, all I know is what motors I want to use for the quad-copter, and the basic shape I want it to be.
It'd be great if I could get some recommendations on what parts to buy for communicating with the quad-copter, power distribution, and materials to build the copter out of. I have access to Solidworks, so if there are STEP files of the parts, then that would be great. I want to design the entire thing before I decide to build it. Also, I'm okay with programming the copter if it's cheaper. I know Java and I've dabbled with some other programming languages.
Also, I have a 3d printer, so I was thinking about printing some parts out, like a gearing system from the motors to the props. I was possibly going to use a delrin filament since it's super strong, and will probably withstand a lot of quick stops and reverses.
If anyone wants to know the specs on the motors, website is here: http://www.andymark.com/Motor-p/am-0912.htm
Any help will be very much appreciated.