
I made my own firmware because I want to control my Quad via WiFi over a Raspberry Pi. 

The Project is based on Owens approach and I did a lot of filtering. 

Unfortunately the sensor fusion via quaternions of the MPU6050 supported in the old version of the library seemed to be broken and was later removed dunno why. 

My approach is based on non-linear error minimization similiar to what I did in my neural net library. 

I think, that holding equilibrium by sensor fusion from accelerometer and gyrometer is now relatively very accurate. 

Maybe some of you are interested: https://code.google.com/p/rpicopter/source/browse/

Not uploaded yet the server scripts for Raspberry Pi.


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  • Added functionality:

    - Reading Sensors (Barometer, Compass possible, Inertial), GPS is planned

    - Sensor logging (as json string) on the RPi in a logfile

    - Changing PIDs is possbile at runtime now

    - Calibration of the inertial is possible at runtime too now if the motors are not running (takes 1 to 2 seconds)

    - The Server running on the RPi is now multithreaded, Reading sensors and sending data via RC is not dependent on each other (just the lock to avoid write and read at the same time :D)

  • Added a init.d script for raspbian. Unfortunately the debian serial driver seems to be buggy. 

    The current server script represents a workaround. It seems to be stable but I am really not totally sure about this bug. 

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