I need an inexpensive drone that can hold about 4.4oz

I'm in the middle of my first DIY project with a drone and I'm trying to attach my Raspberry Pi Zero camera to a drone. The total weight is about 4.4oz. I don't want to buy something expensive because I'm planning on gluing it to the drone as just a test before I go full size. Eventually I'm going to put an upgraded camera on my boss' Typhoon Q-500, but I can't just go to my boss and tell him to attach my project without testing it first. 

The drone doesn't need to do anything except hover. It doesn't even need to be stable. Just fly with the Pi camera attached so I can prove my idea. 

BTW: I've looked at the Parrot Airborne Cargo MiniDrone and I'm not sure how much weight it can handle. I'm assuming 4.4oz would be too much though because the drone is so small. 

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