I need some help

I just finished building my 1st Quad. All powers up but I cant get it to work so I need some help from you experienced guys to help me find the problem. I did my best trying to find the right info to set up my transmitter. I think this might be the problem. I just cant find anyone that knows how to get me up. Once I get this all figured out I will add a GOPRO 4.. Any help would be appreciated greatly. I cant fly until I get it fixed. Here is the parts list

Hover things Flip Frame
Naza lite controller with GPS
Motors 2208-18 x4
Standard power distribution board
White/Red LED'S to indicate front of Quad at night.
Speed controllers Hobby king 20a UBEC 5V 3A NIMH LIPO 2-4S
Spectrum AR8000 RECEIVER
Spectrum DX7S Transmitter
Turnigy 2.2 LIPO battery 3S

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  • Johannvdventer is my skye name... sorry i forgot to add it in my previous reply
  • All ESCs need to be identical.

    I dont have a DX7 but I do use a DX8 which is very similar. I might be able to help by once again i think skype might be a more suitable platform to discuss your setup.

    You can add me on skype if you wish and we can chat about your setup and config.
    •  I put the Original 20a ESC back on since it was not the issue. I have a set of 30a as spares.  I have the new Motors on the way. I don't know how to use SKYPE?.. Can your file work for my Quad? It would be really easy for you to explain what yours is setup like and teach me what ea setting is for.. I will look and see how hard SKYPE is to use on youtube..I can post pics if that will help.

  • . I don't know if the settings are right in my DX7s. Getting the switches to do what they are suppose to..If I start from scratch picking model and type l cant get it ti TX cal. If I use someone already made file I can get it to TX cal? would like to be able to setup from scratch in my DX7S. This is the 1st issues help getting my DX7s transmitter setup properly with the Naza Lite.

    I was able to go through the UBEC HIGH/LOW throttle setting. 3 of the Motors worked properly 1 would not spin. I think its shorted out. I have a full new set of Motors on the way. After I get the last Motor working. I need help calibration them or if they even need that?.

    I think going through a test setup with someone that knows the DX7 will help me a lot. There's a lot of settings Im not familiar with. Do I use Acro or Heli? stuff like that. I really appreciate the help..

  • Its quite hard to tell you what to do without any specific symptoms.

    Can you please you troubles so that we can try and assist?

    Kind regards 

    • Also is there a issue using 20 and 30a Speed controllers mixed. I have 3 20a and 1 30a on the motors. If this is a issue I can change the mall to 30a.

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