I need some helpful info for my first project

I'm 14 and I've been doing a lot of RC stuff for a few years. Anyway, I have an old trainer aircraft- it's called the Firebird Stratos. I think its manufactured by Hobbyzone. I thought the airframe might work well as a UAV platform because it has a lot of extra space on the inside, twin motors (I figured this would make it able to lift some extra payload), really low wing loading, and long flight times. Currently it just has rudder/elevator control so I am planning on adding ailerons. I'm also replacing the radio equipment, I'm converting it to brushless (instead of the old brushed can motors), and I plan on making the front wheel steerable. If anyone has any helpful tips or info I would appreciate it.


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  • Moderator

    Sounds like lots of mods, that steerable nose wheel will add weight and that's never good. Why not try differential thrust rather than ailerons, again more weight and remove the under carriage. Something like this should keep it upright a bit of GoogleFu would be your friend there. Now I think about it and don't take offence you might be better off getting a Bixler, that has ailerons and the brushless motor along with plenty of how to threads. Good luck with your journey.

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