Hello to everybody.
I am an electronic engineer student and I am finishing my project with arduIMU+arduino.
For my project basically I need to send Picth, Roll and Yaw data from arduimu to arduino, but I have no idea about the way to handle the data that arduimu sent to, and how I can "extract" pitch, roll and yaw info from the serial data that arduino received.
My arduimu has been configured as this way (ASCII mode):
#define PRINT_DCM 0 //Will print the whole direction cosine matrix
#define PRINT_ANALOGS 0 //Will print the analog raw data
#define PRINT_EULER 1 //Will print the Euler angles Roll, Pitch and Yaw
#define PRINT_GPS 0 //Will print GPS data
Other question is I do not know the difference between ASCII or binary data.
Thanks for your support.
Change the user configurable options of ArduIMU V3 code as the one below:
/*For debugging propurses*/
#define PRINT_DEBUG 0 //Will print Debug messages
#define PRINT_DCM 0//Will print the whole direction cosine matrix
#define PRINT_ANALOGS 0 //Will print the analog raw data
#define PRINT_EULER 1 //Will print the Euler angles Roll, Pitch and Yaw
#define PRINT_GPS 0 //Will print GPS data
// *** NOTE! To use ArduIMU with ArduPilot you must select binary output messages (change to 1 here)
#define PRINT_BINARY 1 //Will print binary message and suppress ASCII messages (above)
#define PERFORMANCE_REPORTING 0 //It's a message providing performances every XX seconds.
#define MAGNETIC_DECLINATION 2.15 // magnetic declination in Rome. You' ve to change yourshttp://www.magnetic-declination.com
Now upload the below code to your arduino:
* @file IMUino.pde
* @version 0.10beta
* @author Francesco Cruciani, Francesco Vitullo
* @note ArduIMU - Arduino binary serial communication
* 15/02/2011 - www.codesigns.it
// pin for serial input in arduino
#define RX 0
// serial rate for arduIMU
#define IMU_SERIAL_RATE 38400
// message tag
#define IMU_TAG "DIYd"
// number of messages send
#define IMU_VALUES 3
// union structure for serial received binary data
typedef union{
int16_t word;
byte valByte[2];
} IMUpacket;
// intialization of the structures for each passed value
IMUpacket serialPackets[IMU_VALUES];
// first tag in message
char imuTag[] = IMU_TAG;
// first tag in message buffer
char IMUtagBuffer[sizeof(imuTag)];
// check for new data
boolean newData = false;
// vars for checksum
byte msg_checksum_a;
byte msg_checksum_b;
// waits for n bytes to receive
void wait_for_bytes(byte number){
while(Serial.available() < number);
// sums all the values and confront the result with the checksum passed
boolean checksum_is_true(){
byte current_msg_checksum_a = 0;
byte current_msg_checksum_b = 0;
for(uint8_t i=0; i<IMU_VALUES; i++){
current_msg_checksum_a += serialPackets[i].valByte[0];
current_msg_checksum_b += current_msg_checksum_a;
current_msg_checksum_a += serialPackets[i].valByte[1];
current_msg_checksum_b += current_msg_checksum_a;
return (current_msg_checksum_a == msg_checksum_a && current_msg_checksum_b == msg_checksum_b);
void setup(){
pinMode(RX, INPUT);
void loop(){
// check if the byte is the start of new messange
IMUtagBuffer[0] = Serial.read(); // D
IMUtagBuffer[1] = Serial.read(); // I
IMUtagBuffer[2] = Serial.read(); // Y
IMUtagBuffer[3] = Serial.read(); // d
if(IMUtagBuffer[1]==imuTag[1] && IMUtagBuffer[2]==imuTag[2] && IMUtagBuffer[3]==imuTag[3]){
// new messange
newData = true;
// receive all values and put it in the packet structure
serialPackets[0].valByte[0] = Serial.read();
serialPackets[0].valByte[1] = Serial.read(); // roll
serialPackets[1].valByte[0] = Serial.read();
serialPackets[1].valByte[1] = Serial.read(); // pitch
serialPackets[2].valByte[0] = Serial.read();
serialPackets[2].valByte[1] = Serial.read(); // yaw
msg_checksum_a = Serial.read();
msg_checksum_b = Serial.read(); // checksum
} else newData = false;
// checksum for message
if(newData && checksum_is_true()){
// do stuff with received data values
} else{
msg_checksum_a = 0;
msg_checksum_b = 0;
Ensure that connection between ArduIMU and Arduino are as below:
Now, connect the arduimu to arduino like above and your arduino to your PC and Open your Arduino IDE software. Go to Tools>>Serial Monitor
It shall show the Pitch, Roll and Yaw data.
Hope that was helpful.
And I have a Question that: How can we power the ArduIMU without PC,ie., when on an RC Airplane or so.
Look into the parseInt() and parseFloat(); functions of arduino.