I need your attention.

Hello DIYDrones/JDrones community!


The other day i bought a used working Arducopter,soon i get home i tried programming,and my curiosity leads to a non working Quad anymore.


Now guys i really really need your attention slowly by slowly teach me where to start. I need guide that's teaches from the very beginning. I even don't know what the version of Quad i got this is com[pose of red and blue board. Now i wanted to do correct and exact programming to make this alive again.

But i haven't seen guide that teaches guide for dummies. All guides are for advance users, it didn't explain what the use of dip switches besides CLI switch.There's even no explanation what cables to remove if programming in CLI or Planner,also if battery are plug or not during CLI programming.


Anyone willing to help and guide me from the very beginning? Note: From the very beginning i just wanted this way so i understand what im doing.


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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  • On behalf of DIYdrones and jDrones Team, I would like to salute you guy's. You where there when i need help,there's no time gap between Philippines and US,Bangkok time,You where there even i get very frustrated and down.


    Now i won't regret of getting my Arducopter. Guy's i would like to announce that my Arducopter is back,back to life and alive and kicking.. Its ready for Maiden tomorrow.


    Its loaded with:

     AC 2.0.38 Beta firmware


    1:Simple, 2:Alt-Hold, 3:RTL 




    GPS and Magnetometer

    I set my declination to to -1.31

    based here:

    You are here*

    Latitude: 14° 35' 4.4" N
    Longitude: 120° 59' 19.2" E
    Magnetic declination: 1° 31' WEST
    Declination is NEGATIVE
    Inclination: 16° 9'
    Magnetic field strength: 40813.6 nT

    What you think guy's all went well? I don't know if mode and frame setting is best suited for newbies. Btw i have a spare lipo here a 4S 2200mAh 35C/90C burst and 3S 5000mAh 65C/130C burst, 3S 2250mAh 45C/? Please advice me if this lipo's are safe for Arducopter. I tried it running before on my stock Gaui 330X,but don't have idea if Ardu is sensitive with high discharge rate lipo's.


    Ohh the culprit behind the problem of my Arducopter is unknown but i managed to solve it by accidental discovery.

    Here's what i've did. After all programming is done,configurations is done,but i leave ESC calibration as last step of my config. All is ok, now the last step is ESC. I typed ESC and follow detailed instruction,but still soon i set the throttle to MIN. or 0 i hear rapid beeping, instead of single beep. I left it beep rapidly but continuing to ARM the motor(lower right throttle) after arming the motor i throttle up about 50% boom back motor started up.I lift the Quad and tilt it right and left upside down,boom!! all motors are started and spinning. Now that's the solution on what happened to me. After that i RE-Calibrated the ESC and all back to normal.


    From the bottom of my heart,Thank you so much guys.

  • Guys you won't believe whats happening..I think this is a very strange things happen in entire Arducopter History.


    Ok here's what happened.

    *Replace Receiver

    *Replace USB Cable

    * GPS and Magnetometer Removed

    *CLI mode programming

    *Level,Radio commands ok, I type motors nothing happens.

    *Type ESC following instructions, Remove USB,Lipo set Throttle MAX.Plug lipo beep..beep,Throttle MIN. beep VOILA! it works motors spinning. I can't believe i almost drop at my chair.


    OK so i unplug lipo and decided to test outside, then i plugged the GPS cable,MAGNETOMETER cable. Then put back lipo and waiting to hear confirmation arming beep.. then ! bang!! motors back to rapid beeping.. Problems comes out again!


    This scenario happens to me twice if GPS and MAGNETOMETER cables are plugged i can't make it to success. BUT if i programmed GPS and MAGNETOMETER cables are UNPLUGGED it works,only have issue in CLI programming that if i type motors nothing happens.


    Guy's please read carefully and understand whats happening, and you'll say that this could be the weirdest things happen in Arducopter history.

  • Does anyone here willing to repair or fix this problem? I can send this to your address.


     Tried my TX in my other Quad(GAUI 330X) having same problem with Ardu ESC and motors won't calibrate well. Note: TX is ok after trying with my Easy star. TX is working fine.


    Now back to programming again, I notice that the LED in ABC is not working well, the B wont lit up,it will lit up only if i press the reset button.As i remember this LED (B) is color blue when its lit,but mine is orange.


    Now  i was thinking that is it possible that programming the ardu using APM-MP harms the signal communicating of my Radio? Before my 330X Gaui is working after what ive done with this Arducopter, now it won't work. So means Programming harms my Radio?

  • What the use of dip switches besides CLI switch? my dip switch all sets to down

  • Developer
    June dont try to use Arduino IDE. Use Mission planner as all programs are ready compiled for you.

    It looks like you might have 1280 Cpu board or you had wrong settings on Arduino IDE but as said, use mission planner and you dont need to worry about board settingsbor or libraries etc.

    Another thing, it looks like you are trying to upload APM software which is wrong. APM software is for airplanes. ACM is for ArduCopter. Again use mission planner as it will upload correct software when you click picture of quad in firmware section.

    And always update mission planner as it is constantly developed.
  • I really don't know what board is this Arduino atmega1280 or arduino mega 2560. yesterday ive tried playing this at Arduino software and i think i messed up all.


    What i did in Arduino is:  Open arduino-0022 then go to File and open sketchbook,then upload. I have correct location of my sketchbook,followed wiki guide. is this correct or not?

    edit: i just plugged USB alone no battery. Also switch slide into CLI mode. but i dont know what the dip switch for? its besides CLI switch upon checkking it all switch(1,2,3,4) are position into down position.

  • Developer
    June, do you have a program called APM Mission Planner? If not go and download it from ArduCopter wiki pages. It is a windows program that allows you to upload new software to your flight electronics.

    With help of APM-MP you can do all setup and calibrations too that are needed to make your ArduCopter flying again. We will get it up in air again.
  • Actually i posted here: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1492507


    Things what Ive done before i mess up everything.

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