A while ago I had a bad crash (prop failure), and now my copter is not loitering properly anymore.
What happens is that it initially does fine for a few tens of seconds and then it starts circling with ever increasing speed.
When I calibrate the compass, it shows very different calibration offsets every time. But each time I do it, I get the same behaviour in flight first it's stable, then it starts circling.
On the missionplanner screen I see no major (Ublox) GPS problems.
I have an APM 2.0 board with the mediatek disabled. My copter is a DJI 450 frame/920 KV motors/esc
What value(s) in the logs should I be looking at to get to the bottom of this?
Thats sounds very similar to what mine did yesterday (and that was also after a crash when I attempted a RTL). Take a look at the jpg from my thread http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/interesting-crash-from-loiter and see if your nav inputs are doing something similar ... still very new to all this stuff so I don't know myself why it is doing this, all though subsequent loiter flights (over a minute each) were fine.