I want to make a drone - I need your help

    This may or may not be the right place for this. I'm new here, I stumbled upon this useful website an hour ago.

    I'm good at Computer Science, well for my age. I taught myself Java for the past year and a half. I'm now learning Python. I'm also decent at Computer Engineering. I'm buying a Raspberry Pi to make cool things and building a computer atm, WIP. All the components are inside the computer already besides the CPU and GPU.

     That is a background of what I do know. But what I do know when it comes to drones is, literally nothing. I want to build a quad drone as in four blades. What I do know though is two of them have to spin counter-clockwise otherwise it wouldn't move at all, or at least get off the ground.

    What I need is this:

  • Basically everything. Any resources you got? Shoot them my way, more I know the better.
  • How much weight can a drone handle? Though this can vary, how could I determine it when I make it?
  • RC Controller. I want one that goes max mile. I also want video feed. 
  • Difference between a RC Controller, Receiver, Transmitter? Maybe an RC Controller is called something else?
  • Legalities. I read in some places reading the word Hz and there are limits to it and having a video feed could go over that and be illegal. Also I read on the FAA's website that you can't fly a drone in "populated" areas. What are populated areas? Cities, etc,.? They say it's legal to fly though for recreation and hobbies, does that mean I can fly it in my street? 
  • What items will I need? I know I'll need a power supply, blades (was thinking of using fans from computer cases. Though I'm not sure if that's possible, it's a 120mm. Also will have a Raspberry Pi.
  • What would be the best way to communicate with the drone Raspberry Pi? Basically the Raspberry Pi will control the drone, move it when I make the move on the RC Controller. But what I mean is, you could make a router out of a Raspberry Pi. So I was thinking of buying another Pi, making a router and attaching it. Though this could bring a number of issues and probably a legality issue. Hack the router, has control of the drone. But I thought this would be good for when streaming video.
  • Limits on drones? Is there a size they can't go over? I think I want it to be no bigger than 2x2 ft. crossing like an x. But I've seen many drones that are less than 12" by the looks, which are cool and maybe I'll dive into that some day.

    Please when answering this questions can you answer them in bullet format for easier reading?

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