Hi everybody,i fly a glider for thermal flying, i sometimes go pretty high and cannot see properly the atitude of my glider. I'm looking for a way to receive the atitude dat of my plane (roll and pitch angle, eventually climb/sink rate).what is the plug-and.play solution, or one with limited programing skills needed ?thanks

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  • T3
    The best solution would be fitting FMA copilot.
    Supposing that you will be able to control the glider manually by looking at artificial horison doesn't accounts the control lag. Remember, any autopilot with long range telemetry will need power-hungry TX. Telemetry would be a massive overkill and at the end underperforming vs simple FMA.
  • T3

    There are two solutions that I would recommend that you could use with limited programming skills.

    One is Jordi and Chris's ArduPilot. It is an autopilot with a very nice ground station that you can use to receive and display flight data.

    Another one is my UAV DevBoard. I use it for thermal flying to stabilize my sailplane, to return it to me if it gets too far away.

    There are tabs at the top of the main page that you can open to get more information about either of these approaches.

    There are plenty of other solutions as well, take a look around this website.

    Best regards,
    Bill Premerlani
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