I have used my ICD 2 for almost 5 years now without too much of a problem. It is great.Last week I got the above error. Prior to this I had the issue occasionally and was able to clear it up by reprogramming the debugger or repositioning the cable.For almost 3 weeks I programmed a toy for my wife for Christmas and when I was finished debugging and it ran for a while I was ready to program the chip and start working on phase 2. I started getting the above error and now can not get rid of it. I replace the connecting cable, reprogrammed the ICD2 measured the voltages, changed out several micro-controllers.I have used version MPLAB 8.3 for the last month and down graded to MPLAB 7.5.Other than purchasing another board, do you have a suggestion.Other than purchasing another board, do you have a suggestion.I read your other post from May 2009 and several others.I am willing to purchase another board for more project s.

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  • Edward, i had a similar problem recently. I was eventually able to fix it by loading a workspace for a different model of microcontroller (in my case an 18F4550 instead of the dsPIC30F4011) which forced the ICD2 to download a different OS to the debugger. I then reloaded the original workspace which reloaded the OS for the dsPIC back onto the ICD2. This magically allowed me to talk to my Dev board which i was pretty sure was dead up to that point. Maybe you have tried this already, but if not then i hope that it helps.


    Adam Bellchambers
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