I'm Confused about Mission Planning

The mission planning page in the APM manual says "In your ArduPilot Mega code folder you will find a folder called Waypoint_writer_Mega". I will? I don't believe that this folder is part of the Beta download. It is also not clear to me why I need to point the Waypoint Editor to the defines.h file?  Is this only required when you are not going to write the mission directly to the EEPROM?  I also found a different mission planner in the folder with the Happy Killmore GCS.  Perhaps I should be using that one instead?  Thanks!

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  • 3D Robotics
    Sorry, that was an out of date ref. I've update the manual to make clear that the defines.h file is in the main code folder. It's not needed for waypoints, but is required for some of the other functions of that utility.
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