Improved Magnetometer Calibration Tool


I have developed a Windows GUI for 3-axis magnetometer calibration (see screenshot below), and it is available for download at  The tool accepts comma, tab, or space-delimited magnetometer data via a selected comm port, displays the received data in a 3D window, and computes a compensation matrix and center offset using Octave to execute a MATLAB routine.  See this post for details.

I created this program because I couldn't find anything better to help me calibrate the magnetometer on my own 4WD wall-following robot, and as a learning experience for programming in C#/.NET and WPF.  I used the very nice WPF Helix Toolkit to implement the 3D viewports.  I'm sure other more experienced programmers can do a better job, but this one works, at least enough for me ;-).


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  • Verson 2.1.3 is now current.  The only changes were to add a 'model-referenced' coordinate system at (0,0,0) and move the original fixed 'viewport-refrenced' coordinate system to the bottom left corner of the viewport.  This allows the coordinate system symbol to move with the geometry when it is panned around the screen.

    I have prepared a short movie showing the use of the mag cal tool in calibrating magnetometer data from my wall-following robot 'Wall-E2', as part of a post on 'Paynters Palace' at

    As before, 

    The latest source code and zip file containing everything needed to run the code on your PC can be found at


  • All,

    I have just finished a significant update to the Mag Cal Tool.  The only functional change is that the 'Show Ref Circles' checkbox now works properly - 3D reference circles are optionally displayed in both windows. The reference circles in the 'raw' view have a radius equal to the calculated average radius for all displayed points.  The ones in the 'calibrated' view have a radius of exactly 1.

    Getting these reference circles to work involved a LOT of hard work to understand the basics of model generation and modification in WPF and the Helix Toolkit, and the result was a much simpler (and I hope more elegant) project architecture. For those interested in WPF and the Helix Toolkit, I plan to post my experiences with this project on my blog at

    The latest source code and zip file containing everything needed to run the code on your PC can be found at


  • Thanks for share Frank, I will test that 2morrow at the lab =)

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