IMU calibration


I have a question regarding the IMU calibration. As far as I understand when connecting the flight battery the gyros and accelerometers get calibrated. During that period the copter needs to stay still. My landing gear is not very stiff so it shakes a little when I connect power. This sometimes leads to very unstable flight behavior so I land and reconnect power again, trying to hold the copter still. I read somewhere (can’t find the source right now) that by holding disarm for 15s would start the calibration process again. This sounded perfect to me because I could connect power let the copter settle, recalibrate and fly. For some reason this does not work for me anymore. Did something change or am I using this function wrong?



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  • Developer

    The copter does not do the accelerometer calibration at startup. It just does the gyros.

    What your talking about is the field level capability. This will allow you to account for weight shift or other changes to the copter. 

    I'll re-oder the gyro calibration till after the barometer. That will give you 2 extra seconds.

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