IMU v2 + ArduPilot + EM406 + Print Binary??

I've been trying to follow the manual and threads concerning this config but I'm having problems. I think I have the hardware configured correctly,


I see the expected calibration/status lights and get good serial text mode readings individually from both boards.





If I plug the EM406 into the IMU and set GPS_PROTOCOL = 2, I do not get a blue gps lock on the IMU.


If I plug the EM406 into the ardupilot and set GPS_PROTOCOL = 1, I get a gps lock on the shield and xbee serial output shows correct gps information




If I set PRINT_BINARY in the IMU and GPS_PROTOCOL = 3 in he ArduPilot, not only do I not get a gps lock I also get binary/gibberish from the ArduPilot via the xbee which means I can't debug?





If I hook up the usb cable directly to the IMU, using a serial viewer I can see the correct stats coming from the IMU so I can see it working. (but, based on the above, I don't get any GPS info in the IMU serial output)





Am I right in thinking that with the IMU in ArduPilot mode non of the diagnostics software or pc groundstation software will work? Will the groundstation (pcb assembly version) work with the IMU?






I hope I am being a plonker and someone tells me what I am missing :)


I bought thermopiles but then read the article that said NO HILLS. Unfortunately that's a lot of hills in the UK. So I hoped the IMU would be a safer option.


I bought the EM406 before the recent push to ublox.


Am I missing something, I hope so?? How can I logically test the imu and ardupilot comms.


Do I need to convert the code in the imu and ardupilot to a simpler ascii based data exchange so that both systems and associated demo/test software work?





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  • 3D Robotics
    I think I understand what you're saying. I'll try to answer:

    First, if you're using the IMU, the GPS should be plugged into ArduIMU, not ArduPilot. I'm not sure why you're not getting lock with GPS set to 2. Until you get that sorted there's no point in testing anything else.

    Given that it works on ArduPilot, I assume the GPS module is switched into binary (no LED on the module). We don't have a process to program it into binary if it's not already there, unlike on ArduPilot, because I don't think any of us anticipated that anyone would use the EM406 with ArduPilot, given the importance of a fast GPS update for the IMU. As the software warns, I don't think anyone has ever tested an EM406 with the IMU--you may be the first!

    When you have it set up correctly, you should have full diagnostic info coming from ArduPilot for the groundstation and serial monitor as usual.

    Finally, I'm not sure what article you are referring to but thermopiles work fine around hills, even mountains. The only thing you should avoid is box canyons.
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