initialising problem

Hi, come back to this after a short break and now my ardupilot 1.4 decides to play up!

All things seem to react as expected during a complete set up procedure, until on the <modes> screen the heading text continually shows "Initialising" (instead of what mode I'm on). My 6 transmitter mode timings are fine and used before...

On the 'Flight data' screen, the display is not moving when the model is tilted. And the switch mode is not displaying...

Only thing odd is that the boot up lights doesn't follow the old alternate flashing lights, ending with static blue. Instead I'm getting some flickering lights ending with a solid green...

Any ideas?

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  • Guys, can anyone help???

    Since the last post, here is a more detailed description

    Mission planner 1.1.19
    firmware: latest
    ArdupilotMega 1.4 with the Atmega2560
    Was working and flying fine...

    Current state:
    Firmware loads ok
    tx setup ok
    6 position switch timed to within a few microsecs of optimum settings
    using usb cable can connect, hud working on screen(slight delay until connect), selecting modes show correctly on screen.
    rc signal in from rx ok
    signals out to servos ok in manual mode
    stabilise mode: signal out to servos = manual only
    fbw_a: signal out to servos tracking plane orientation, no manual overide.

    Weird, when switching from fbw-a to stabilize signal out to servos tracking plane orientation continues to work.
    But when switching from manual to stabilize it doesn't

    all circuits supplied by 4v8 nicadS (as ALWAYS).

    Has anyone had a similar experience?
    Have checked wiring several times, uploaded code several times, replaced ArdupilotMega 1.4 with the Atmega2560 pcb, running out of ideas!

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