Insulator between boards

I am curious what people have used as an insulator between stack able FC boards?

Off course we can use plastic, but has anyone used any heat resistant material especially where power board can heat up pretty fast..

Also on a racing quad, I want to protect the power board from collecting dust etc. as there always holes at the bottom of the frame and the components are exposed.

Any suggestions will be welcome.


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  • I found one product on AliExpress.

    Not sure what is made of. I have ordered one set.
  • Thanks. You learn something new each day.

    I checked the specs, "The maximum service temperature usually recommended for Mylar® polyester film is 150°C (302°F)."

    really it can withhold that much temperature?
  • HI,

    There is a commercial product called Mylar used in the electrical and composite industries. In the electrical it is used as an insulator and in the composite industry it is used as a molding /vacuum bagging tool. Im sure there are a million other uses. It is a fairly rigid sheet plastic. I would think that you can shape it around you power board with a bit of a cone to the front to force more air over the PDB.....

    Good luck

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