interfacing spi sram with arduimu v3

Has anybody interfaced SPI SRAM chip to ArduIMU+V3, Whenever I try to read data at some address after writing to the chip ( 23LC1024), it reads it only as either 0 or 255.
Please suggest....anyone has sample code to read / write data to spi sram interfaced ?

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  • ArduIMU+V3 board has MPU6000 IC(Accelerometer and Gyroscope)  using SPI port, as observed from its eagle files. Multiple I/O devices connected to a single port creates current insufficient problems. 23LC1024  is a low power IC. Connect a buffer (74LS245 or 74125) on MISO line. Its working.

    Probably the same situation with I2C port, as it is already used by magnetometer IC.

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