Interpreting (or misinterpreting) Pixhawk telemetry?

3691254639?profile=originalAttempts to fly my s900 with pixhawk have resulted in tip-overs multiple times now. This is happening after an upgrade to 3.3.1.  After fixing damage from yesterday, I tried a simple test today. In stabilize, I got the copter a little light on the skids, then gave a brief left roll input (C1).  The plot of desired roll & roll are as I would expect.  I immediately tried a small forward pitch input (C2) – the heli tips WAY BACK – and the desired pitch plot indicates that’s what the Pixhawk decided it should do! This seems wrong to me…  anyone have any idea what might be going on here, or how I'm misinterpreting the data?


2015-11-05 13-32-23.bin

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