Inverted Stabilize Yaw wrong direction


Arduplane 3.4

Definition Stabilize Roll & Yaw:

1.  In Stabilize Mode when I Roll the Yaw also Increments to improve the turn. 

Definition Inverted: 

1.  Switch Inverted Reverses the Arduplane Attributes for Roll, Pitch & Yaw allowing normal stick orientation while in Inverted flight. 


1.  Arduplane attribute Inverted flight on Channel 7.

2.  Transmitter attribute Switch Inverted also reverses Transmitters Roll, Pitch & Yaw


In Stabilize Mode when I switch to Upright the Yaw succesfully turns the correct direction. 

In Stabilize Mode when I switch to Inverted the Yaw fails to reverse & results Yaw wrong direction.

Inverted Orientations failing in Stabilize Mode:

1.  Stick Roll Right Upright: 

Aileron Left = Down

Yaw = Right

2.  Frame Roll Left Upright

Aileron Left = Down

Yaw = Right

3.  Stick Roll Right Inverted

Aileron Left = Down

Yaw = Left

4.  Frame Roll Left Inverted

Aileron Left = Down

Yaw = Left

Frame Roll Left refering to Frame Rolls Left w/ No Stick & Stabilize should Roll & Yaw Right 


In above formated Orientations, the Inverted Roll & Yaw should result the same as when upright. My problem is in Inverted the Stabilize Yaw fails to reverse resulting the same Roll & Yaw as when upright. 

This function is not reversing the Yaw when I set the Inverted parameter & turn the plane upside down.


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