iOSMavlink - iOS based arducopter ground control app

Hi guys!

I have started writing an app for iOS (iPhones/iPads) to connect to your arducopter/arduplane platform.

It requires purchasing a BLE Mini dock to allow communication between your iDevice and your sik radio. (approx $20), and wiring it up to the uart pins of the radio and to a battery (5v). I used a battery bank and desoldered the usb port on it. Attached is a diagram of my setup.

How many people would be interested in this? I have a prototype bluetooth and app ready, but is anyone willing to build their own ble dock?

If you would like to test out the app and build the ble dock, the app code is in my github at

You will need an OSX Device with a free developers license to install the app. One day it may be on the app store.

Feel free to suggest changes or features.

Current feature list is:

  • Waypoint adding/removing
  • Live map view of drone + heading
  • Distance from home
  • VFR (pitch, roll, yaw, vertical speed, roll speed)
  • Arm/Disarm
  • Mode display
  • Battery level
  • Get and edit parameters
  • Arrow pointing to where the drone is

Hope someone gets some use out of it!


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