Iris 2 blinking led lights in sequence

Hi Everyone,

So I have had an Iris for a while now but never set up until yesterday. I loaded the latest firmware using APM planner, everything seemed to have succeeded.  Following instructions on Iris page I have not been successful at fully arming Iris, I keep getting two Yellow Led lights flashing in sequence. The Iris page says I should use Mission Planner to troubleshoot  (which I no longer have on new computer). I am using Mac and don't want to install any windows emulating software. I believe its not radio related because when lights are flashing and I have pressed the red button and solid, I get a long tone when trying to arm via transmitter. 

My question is can... Can I troubleshoot preflight check failure using APM planner only? Or do I need to install mission planner?

I also misplaced the 3dr radio receiver, if i purchase one is there a binding process or should it be plug and play?

Thanks in advance,


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  • The yellow flashing lights may just be that the flight mode is GPS enabled and requires a GPS lock before you can take off.  It depends on the flight mode.  Also if you used the default configuration and fence is turned on it needs a GPS lock before you can fly.  APM should be able to what needs to be done.

    The default configuration for the radios should be the default and should work out of the box.  Otherwise there is software to make them the same.  Don't know your location so can say what radio you need to purchase since they are no longer available at 3dr.

  • T3

    If you loaded newer firmware, you probably have to calibrate everything (compass, accelerometer) before you can fly.

    • Thanks! if thats the case can I do everything from APM planner? I don't get the mandatory hardware like mission planner, see attached Screen shot:


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