Iris+ Flips on takeoff

So i have fried the esc board twice. Got the bird back and running early January. took it out, flipped backward on me.

Fast forward to today. connected to MP went through the firmware update performed all calibrations that I could including Esc calibration. And it has flipped on me twice more forward this time. ow the one thing Ive noticed when I was going through MP was when I performed an individual motor test according to MP the front right motor hould be motor A. Well by back right motor spins on motor A could this be my issue. did I perhaps solder the wrong motor to the wrong location?? The motors spin in the correct direction.... Ill try and upload a log 2016-01-08%2011-45-39.log

2016-01-08%2011-45-39.log.gpx 2016-02-29%2015-01-21.tlog 2016-02-28%2004-45-35.tlog 2016-02-29%2015-34-28.tlog 2016-02-29%2015-34-28.rlog 2016-02-29%2015-10-27.rlog2016-02-29%2015-10-27.tlog

 I tried to include as much a I could because i dont know what you need to look at vs whats unnecessary.

Help is appreciated.



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  • The way the MP shows the motors is ABCD.

    Clockwise around your quad.

    1234 as shown on the MP doesn't match ABCD.





    I had to rearrange my outputs from the pixhawk to correspond with the proper motor trigger. 

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