I am trying to make some work with an IRIS (not IRIS+), a GOPRO (3+ i think) and some image processing with openCV. But I have some issues.
I've seen two main ways to do it:
1. Send images from the GoPro directly to the IRIS processor (its Pixhawk if i'm correct) and let the IRIS to be the one that processes the images and make the apropiate movements.
So, it's this possible? Is IRIS able to make image processing, or it will be extreamly battery consuming? If its possible, has anybody done that? Its possible to do processing inside the GoPro processor?
2. Stream the video to a laptop using RC ground control and then send de apropiate MAVLink orders to the IRIS. So in this case, how can I stream images from IRIS? Its recommended to not use the wi-fi streaming that has the GoPro so a RC streaming is needed. I've seen that MAVLink allows video streaming. What hardward i need to make it possible?
This cable will be enough https://store.3drobotics.com/products/tarot-t-2d-gimbal-gopro-video-cable ?
Or i also need a MiniOSD?
Which option is better?
P.D: the RC controller also works with MAVLink orders, or just de ground control stations?
Thank you :)