Is Anybody Using APM1 on TradHeli Anymore?

Just wondering if anybody is still using APM1 on TradHeli?

Last night I just did some test hops with the APM2.5 in the new rate control mode.  It seems to be working.  Can't declare victory yet, but it's promising.

But the thing is, a key to it's success is the digital filter in the MPU6000.  I'm not sure if/how we could accomplish the same thing with APM1.  So now we have a problem, where APM1 users might get stuck with 2.7.3, and I'm not sure what to do about it.

This is a problem with the inevitable march of technology...  We develop for the future, and it's hard to support older hardware.

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  • I am, or should I say, have been attempting to fly 3.0.1 with apm 1.4. Stabilize seems ok, switched to loiter and off she went! Lol Maybe it's time to upgrade, new code looks to promising to step backwards. Suggestions? PX4 maybe?
  • I was about to do rebuild my 600, found the source of vibrations, bearings feel like they have notches in them, so new ones on order. Have already spoken to martin about 2.5+ board. So there is no point in trying with the APM1, especially if you have better filtering with the new board.

    Sounds like a good time to sell my old boards.

  • Just an update to all the TradHeli guys, I am not test flying the new code on my 450, and it's doing well.  It's not perfect yet, but it's working.  I'm glad I got the little heli going again as I'm way more comfortable testing on this than the big one.

    Also, if anybody was using the built-in ESC controller on Ch8, that function is changing.  Instead of switching on/off from the throttle stick, it will now use Ch8.  I had two crashes when I accidentally shut down the motors.  It just wasn't a good mode.

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