Is anyone doing APM2.5 inspection and repair?

I have a new APM2.5 which was damaged by exceeding the .5A current limit. I added a .6 A Pan servo to the board and the result was a hardware failure. I can get the Terminal and Mavlink connections, but terminal always starts with dataflash and compass init errors so it is not possible to erase logs. MP AHRS never gets past "initialising". I need to know if there is any possibility of fixing it or should I just file it in the round file. 

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  • I have a board with a broken USB port. I have inspected and done some continuity checks but no luck. Does anyone have any hints? Has anyone compiled a troubleshooting guide at various locations?

  • Well i've just fix my board. it's U3 in sch PartNo. TPS79133 cause this.Repair costs 0.5$ in china

  • Hi,

    Well don't toss it. There is probably an electronics geek here who could either fix it for you or use it! For example me :) I have an APM2 that got "slightly" damaged from being recovered from a tree with a cannon and I am looking for just an undamaged circuit board to move the other components to...

    Anyway, see if the +5V and the +3.3V are both there. Without 3.3 volts the CPU will start and communicate, but most sensors are dead and cannot initialize.



  • Developer
    That sounds strange. The .5A limit is when the protection circuit kicks in. I applied mistakenly 8V the other day, and I all I got was some hot smelling components. Using a component that draws more amps just causes a brownout, so no harm done.

    Have you tried flashing with a new version of FW?
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