weare new to the game, built a quadcopter using:
Orange RX OrangeRX R615X
Frame: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01531200S/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
T-Motor 6th Anniversary Brushless Quadcopter Set 4x MN2213 4x Propeller
and 5 Ah 4S 20C Topfuel Battery
now our problem is, the copter is and was wobbling left and right (like a small pendulum ~50cm) when in stabilize mode.
everything is setup using missionplaner. in althold or loiter thers no wobbling.
due to a prop defect (crash :D) we needed new props and the only ones that were available in our store were 12x7 props, they are doing the great job, but one problem is slow decent. they are great at holding alt. and really awesome at acceleration in every direction. but the landing is nigh on impossible. i fidure the props are simply overkill.
i thank you for qour input.