I know that there is geofencing available, but some time ago there was a discussion about how far the APM will go before turning around to RTL. Someone mentioned 2.5Km but I can't find the discussion.

Does anyone know if there are any limits to the APM other than the geofence limits that we set as users?

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  • Graham said it and I agree, correctly configured and with enough reserve power on board it will fly thousands of miles to a waypoint and return safely to the launch location if programed to do so. That is, of course, assuming enough reserve power on board, no failures (GPS or otherwise), no obstructions such running into other objects, no weather issues and correct programing to start with. I am sure there may be other gotchas that I failed to list but you get the drift.

  • Moderator

    There is no limit unless it has been set to come back (RTL) at a specific limit. There's a telemetry failsafe, radio failsafe, geofence and low battery failsafe which if and only if configured correctly will cause the plane to come back to and loiter around it's armed position.

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