Issues with 2.0.30

I flew my Hexa this evening on 2.0.29 and other than RTL and loiter issues (suspect major PID tuning is required) the bird flew great.


Got back home and updated to 2.0.30 - now I have to hold full left yaw to stop it rotating to the right and I can't disarm the motors.


Hope the feedback helps ...... keep up the good work



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  • What pids do you have for Loiter?
  • Developer
    On radio calibration what are the values you will get?

    Also you can try "pwm" on cli test area to see all radio channels. Is your rudder channel around 1500?
  • 3D Robotics

    Remember that you need to reset/clear the EEPROM and do another setup when you upgrade code during the beta period (data structures are still changing in beta). Can you do that and see if that clears it up?


    And can you also check the magnetometer in the CLI? We changed the code to address the new magnetometer hardware that's no being shipped. Autodetect should be spotting which mag you have, but the CLI test will confirm that it's working for you.



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