Issues with kmz files created with Mission Planner

I have a few problems with the kmz files that are being created by Mission Planner (from onboard *.log downloads), I was wondering if this is normal behavior or if I have something configured wrong.  My issues are:

1. All altitudes are set to relativeToGround but this results in points that are much too high, I have a script to convert all these values to absolute so it is not a big issue

2. Waypoints don't show up.  If I click on the waypoint top-level object in google earth it appears to take me to lat/long 0,0 but I still don't see any waypoints there.

3. The planes object doesn't display either, if I click on that it gives me the same behavior as the waypoints.

Has anyone else seen these issues?  I can work around #1 but I'm not sure what to do about #2 or #3.

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  • I agree with Enigma the KMZ conversion are not working as well as they used to.

    My outputs are 400 meters higher than they should be making it hard to view the paths as well the other function not working any more.

    David Leigh

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