So, I'm obviously a little lost here.  I have sets of the jDrones v2 RFD900+ radios.  I cannot get them to talk to each other.  They had all of the same parameters on the SiK radio page in Mission Planner.  When I was messing around with the settings, it threw an error during the remote copy---something about a comport being denied.  Now when I try to write to the remote, the remote looks whited out and I can't change anything.  Didn't seem to matter anyway because they were the same and I couldn't connect between the two.  I assume this one is now bricked and I have to reload the firmware or something.

The hilarious part is I can get the ground station radio (the jDrones v2 has USB and DF13, they are not the same connections) to talk to a standard 3DR v2 radio.

Anything I'm missing here?  I've tried it multiple times between separate sets of the jDrones radios, different NetIDs, etc.  They connect in the Mission Planner SiK radio page, but won't connect to Pixhawk!



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  • you are on 1.9.....maybe try upgrading firmware to 1.12....I have same setup and no issues at all

  • I've played around with these quite a bit.  I've found the RFDesign modem tools to be more robust when working with the RFD radios.

    I would plug the remote telemetry radio, the one on your plane, into your computer, make sure it's configured properly.  You can do this with Mission Planner, but it also works with the tools from the link I gave you.  There are some extra parameters that are exposed in RFD's tool.  Once the remote is configured, do the same for your other radios.  One note, make sure the Network ID is the same for all your radios (usually 25, but I don't think it matters).  You can also set the Node ID (0 for the remote, and then 1 through whatever for the different base station radios).  And make sure you set the number of nodes so that you can assign a number to each radio.  The 0 Node will usually be the one that all the other radios listen to.  There are better tutorials out there then this to figure out what all the parameters mean.  The tooltips in the RFD tool are helpful as well.

    If this still doesn't work, then reload the firmware for each radio, this has helped me resurrect some that didn't seem to be working. 

    Modem Tools | RFDesign Files
    Here you will find Supporting files, Binaries and Tools to use our products
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