Hello all,

Although I will soon start assembling a ready-made frame, I'm thinking it would be fun to start a project from scratch. Thinking about using carbon-fibre. Although I have found ferrules on the market for joining two pieces end to end, it would be nice to find "tees" and "crosses". Seems really odd that these are not commercialized. Does anybody know of a manufacturer?

Might experiment with some PVC plumbing fittings like shown in the pic if I can shave down the weight  sufficiently. Would epoxy be OK for joining CF to PVC?3690973382?profile=original

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  • Dragon plate has many types of connectors. I am interested to know if its possible to bond CF tube to PVC.

    • Eric, I would like to know as well. If it bonds ok, there would be more options (although slightly heavier). I went to that Dragon site, very interesting, but those connectors are huge (3/4" and 1"). I guess it is mainly for people building tents and whatnot. I would still like to find somebody making the ferrules described above, tees, wyes, crosses, etc. for common tubing sizes. A little surprised that nobody is doing it. But I guess they would be technically pretty hard to make, otherwise they would already be on the market.

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