Joystick with FBWA and FBWB modes.

Hi all,I'm using mission planner and have just connected the joystick. It's cool to see the joystick move the control surfaces of the plane! But is there a way to use the joystick in non-manual modes such as FBWA to have the benefits of stability?

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  • Yes of course. In fact I would only recommend using joystick in non-manual modes. Latency and resolution is simply not there for full manual (servo-pass thru control). Here is a video of one of my planes that I fly strictly with a joystick (no r/c receiver on board at all). I primarily fly in FBWA:

  • sorry no-one answered your post...

    Not sure what you mean about non-manual modes?  And FBWA.

  • Anybody?
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Jun 30