Kit Reccomendations

If I was to buy this kit, what addtional materials would I need to get this ready to fly. I.E. Battery, charger, gps, sonar... We want this to fly autonomously to gps waypoints and land.

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  • Distributor

    Hi Michael, 

    I am the Canadian Distributor for most DIY Drones and jDrones products, I can help you to chose what you need. 

    check out my webstore at

    the main questions you need to ask yourself are

    what do you need it for? (fun, video amateur, almost pro grade filming?) 

    what is your experience in multicopter or RC in general? (first build, first flight? or done that just want to get a nice kit to move to next level) 

    Quad or Hexa? (hexa is more power, more stability,  more lift capacity, some more flight time but not main factor) 

    you can contact me by email if you like, sometimes it's easier than the forum as I dont always read here!

  • All of the above.  Plus spare props, maybe a spare motor.  I would recommend the uBlox GPS.

    Note that "Land" is somewhat misleading.  Yes the copter lands, then it takes off again, and lands...(repeat)...  You have to take manual control to cut the engines

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