
  • I use the KK board for all of my new Flying Camera Mount designs as a first set-up test, to check out how the model behaves. It is the benchmark test board that gives me an instant feedback of the general flight characteristics. I make quite a few models with different motors, prop sizes, arm lengths and all up weights. It is a very basic and very reliable board with no accelerometers which is exactly what I need. Having a board that has the full house in auto-stabilization would mask any aerodynamic problems. The Murata Gyros are only .67 mv.per degree of sensitivity yet they seem to work very well. I did replace them on one of my boards with AD's but did not see any improvement. The KK boards that I am using are not the Black boards but the Blue boards from Minsoo Kim in Korea. Great guy to deal with. You can even buy spare Murata gyros on his site.

    I did not get a response from the seedstudio so I am guessing that this info could be useful. 

  • Developer

    KK Controller are great for free flying but they do not offer same features like ArduCopter electronics offers, ArduCopter is fully functional UAV with all navigation etc features.



  • 3D Robotics

    At least they used the Atmega168 rather than the Atemega48 that HobbyKing used for the same board. Unfortunately it's more than three times the price :-(




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