Hi all,

how to control the large scale uav team to fly following the certain trajectory generation?

particularly, the enviroment have moving obstacle with the respective characteristic:

1 .the number of obstacle is changed dynamically, each have the specific probability of appearance and

dismissing in the enviroment.

2 .each obstacle is moving with various velocity and specific dynamic motion equation.

so how to generate the trajectory automatically and consider the obstacle avoidance and inner team

collision avoidance at the same time in the same enviroment.

i find some paper from vijar kumar and raffaello andrea, they use MILP to generate trajectory and to

free the obastacle and collision.but they said that MILP or MIQP computation time comsumption

depend on the number of the vehicle and the obstacle, even they adopt some improment meature to

accelerate the computation to guarantee obtaining suboptimal trajectory in second.

also there have some methods such as geomety primitive combination and differential flatness, but

it seem to be limitation for dynamic obstale constraints.i dont know whether other approach is suitable

for this kind of proble that i never find out to learn.

so i ask your help to spark my solution for this problem or you might post the link to find this paper.

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