Lesson Learned. Any more?

So I thought I would hover my new quad in my office.  Just make sure it would take off and that the controls worked properly.  Everything checked out and it was hovering a few inches off of the floor.

Then all of sudden it shot up to the ceiling, bounced off the wall and finally shut down once it hit the floor upside down.  Talk about a scary few seconds.

So going through the logs I ran into the problem.  I had turned on RTL for battery failsafe.  Seems like a reasonable thing to do.  Problem is the very first thing RTL does is make sure it is above the RLT minimum altitude.  Not what I would expect since it was already at the launch site.  

So be sure to set any fail safes to LAND and not RTL and also set the RTL_ALT to 0 if flying indoors.

Are there any other potential issues with indoor flight?

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  • Same thing could happen if you get a GPS glitch, which is very likely when operating indoors.

    I've flown indoors, but I usually have ALL these fail-safes turned off.

    • I wonder if there should be a indoor parm checklist for people like me that are muddling their way through this.

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